Lenovo hälsar välkomna till Imagine 2020
Morten Karlsrud & Anna Bellman
Smarter technology for all - For a sustainable future
Morten Karlsrud, Executive Director & General Manager Nordic Territory at Lenovo, inleder dagen. Anna Bellman är vår eminenta moderator.
Exponentiella teknologier och Hållbarhet
Rebecka Carlsson
Hållbarhet har bara börjat och de kommande 100 åren kommer motsvara 20 000 år av teknologisk utveckling. Vad kommer det innebära för er affärsutveckling?
Teknikutvecklingen och klimatomställningen är megatrender som kommer påverka näringslivet mer än någonting annat de kommande decennierna. Hur kan vi förstå vart olika teknologier är på väg och utifrån det fatta mer välgrundade beslut idag? Samtidigt som den teknologiska utvecklingen vänder upp och ner på de flesta affärsmodeller, blir hållbarhet en disruptiv kraft. På bara tre decennier ska världsekonomin bli helt klimatneutral, men vilka är affärsmöjligheterna?
Lenovo panel om Hållbarhet
Anna Bellman
I en diskussion om hållbarhet, Rebecca Carlsson, Daniel Lindberg - SMB & Channel Director Nordics & Baltics & Thomas Hedin - Environmental and Sustainability Affairs Manager Nordics and Benelux. Panelen leds av moderator Anna Bellman.
AI - Demystification and Democratization
Valerio Rizzo
Demographic changes, increased demand, omnichannel marketing, and digital competition are just some of the thrusts that are driving the industrial revolution 4.0.
The artificial intelligence revolution is poised to fundamentally change the way organizations use data to solve everyday business problems. However, many enterprises still don’t know where to begin their AI efforts.
At Lenovo, we put our customers in a position to be able to take advantage of our experience and that of our partners on their journey towards the application of Artificial Intelligence. The development of AI applications can appear very complicated, Lenovo's goal is to reduce the obstacles to encourage the adoption of AI by customers and allow them to obtain all the competitive advantages deriving from the adoption of AI, helping them avoid possible pitfalls along the way.
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Mobility trends
Chris Francica
Every 5 years or so the mobile industry undergoes major inflection points. At these points in time we witness step function changes in value creation for innovators and consumers. And these points bring disruption to the status quo, where some OEMs are positioned to thrive and other OEMs fall victim to a regime shift. 5G and Foldable displays represent two major shifts in the mobile that are upon us at the moment. And Motorola is well positioned.
At Motorola, innovation is part of our DNA. We have been at the forefront in wireless system design from analog to 2G to 3G to 4G and now to 5G. We launched the first 5G smartphone in the world in April 2019 and it achieved the fastest network speeds to date. 5G will have a profound impact on how people communicate, how businesses operate, and spawn entirely new applications much like we’ve seen since the onset of 4G. Motorola and the broader Lenovo are not only eager but well positioned to be a 5G leader.
When it comes to physical product design, Motorola has maintained continual investments in architectural innovations and holds a long view in what we believe are key technologies. In these areas we look for unique applications and components that have promise or staying power in the interest of providing new consumer experiences or solve pain points. The new RAZR is an output of our commitment to innovation and tenacious quest to inspire consumers to get excited about the mobile industry.
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The Lenovo Story – Smarter Technology for All
Kevin Beck
Lenovo’s story has always been about shaping computing intelligence to create a better world. We know breakthroughs aren’t born in a bubble and that it takes all kinds of people and all kinds of points of view to make smart technology that can transform society. So that’s what we do.
Operating in 180 markets and serving customers around the globe, we have one of the industry's most diverse cultures and operating models. We collaborate to best understand how people, processes and products interact. Then we design and build smart devices and infrastructure that create the best performance and experience for consumers and business, always with diversity, inclusion, security, and sustainability in mind.
Manufacturing the world’s widest portfolio of connected products means we are putting the power of artificial intelligence and smart devices into the hands of more people. As the rate of innovation in the world accelerates so will our ability to inspire the different in everyone and create smarter technology for all.
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